petek, 22. november 2013

So I have written the English test and I hope it’ll be a good mark and not another C (3).

More facts about animals:
·         Fact 6. : Octopi have three hearts.
·         Fact 7. : Houseflies don’t allow their short lifespan (14 days) to hinder their musical abilities. They always hum in the key of F.
·         Fact 8. : Ostriches can run faster than horses and male ostriches can roar like a lion.
·         Fact 9. : On average, there are 50,000 spiders per acre in green areas. Bet you’ll think twice before going outside now – unless you’re this guy. A lot of people also confuse spiders with their ˝cousins˝ daddy-long-legs.
·         Fact 10. : Mantis shrimp have heksanocular (or smth. like that) vision we ha binocular vision. Also they can see a lot more colours then us, try imagining a new colour then multiply that with nine. The mantis shrimp split into two groups the first one spearers and the other one clubbers they split between the front claws.
·         Fact 11. : Snails can grow back an eye if they lose one.
·         Fact 12. : Contrary to popular belief, french poodles actually originated in Germany. Maybe you should’ve named her Gretl instead of Fifi.
·         Fact 13. : Humpback whales create the loudest sound of any living creature. And you thought the loudest sound came from that two-year-old you sat next to on your trans-continental flight, didn’t you?

Every day I learn something new like today I found out for the daddy-long-legs.

More animal facts next week. Good night world.

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